9 Ways to Be a Better Wedding Pro During Busy Season

The more we talk about busy season as wedding pros, the more I think about the ways to stand out during the craziness. Below are my top 9 tips for being a better wedding pro during busy season. These tips will ensure you are intentional and considerate when working with your clients and fellow vendors during this season, and they'll truly set you apart in all the best ways. 

wedding pro working on wedding planning in her office

 1. Don't promise what you can't deliver. Be realistic with your timelines for follow-ups with your clients and other vendors, and actually follow through!  The worst thing you can do that also erodes trust is make promises you can't deliver on. If you're waiting on another vendor for an update, don't hesitate to provide a status update in the meantime explaining the hold-up. 

2. Consider an auto-responder for all emails received during the busy season. Mention that response times may be slower than normal and let them know you'll get back to them in X amount of time. This will take pressure off you to constantly be responding to emails 24/7 and also sets expectations for follow up (see #1 above and make sure you can deliver on those expectations).  
3. Don't ask questions out of laziness or overwhelm. Be sure to read the materials (contracts, timelines, past emails) provided by other vendors before asking questions that you already have answers to...

4. Bring snacks/caffeine on the wedding day for the other vendors. This will build amazing relationships with vendors in your area and they'll remember you went the extra mile.

5. Ask how you can help other vendors, or better yet, just jump right in to help! If you see a florist struggling to unload a cart of arrangements or a DJ needing a hand with equipment, hop in and offer a helping hand!β €

6. Dress the part. It's a huge day for your clients and their guests, and it's important you put your best foot forward and dress for your job. You want something comfortable that you can get the job done in, but make sure it's still professional. 

7. Ask for feedback after an event. This can be in the form of a thank you email following the event. It's important to not lose sight of this during busy season!

8. Tag and credit other vendors on social media. It's important to ensure you're crediting the other vendors for their work, and they'll notice when you don't.

9. Spread the love and write a review after the event. Google reviews go so far for us wedding pros, so take the extra minute to write them for your fellow vendors after the big day!

Tell me, which of these are you currently doing? And which do you plan on trying out this wedding busy season? Be sure to tune in to Weddings For Real episode 175 to hear me chat more in-depth about these tips (I also give some template scripts to use for tips #1, #7, and #9 in the podcast episode)!


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