How to Submit a Wedding to a Publication

Being featured in a wedding magazine can take your brand to a new level, increase your visibility, and bring in dream clients. Yet, the submission process can feel daunting without a roadmap. From understanding when to submit to knowing how to catch the editor's eye, each step plays a crucial role in increasing your chances of success. 

In this guide on how to submit a wedding to a publication, I'll walk you through everything you need to know. From timing your submissions just right to crafting a compelling story that showcases your work in the best possible light, I’ve got you covered with tips from my 12+ years as a luxury wedding planner. Now, I help wedding pros just like you level up through coaching, community and courses within The Planner’s Vault

Let’s dive into how to submit a wedding to a publication!

Why Submit a Wedding to a Publication

Having your work showcased in a magazine is a real win for wedding pros. It's not just a golden seal of approval that elevates your credibility, it's also a strategic move for your reputation in the industry. 

The exposure of being featured opens up avenues for networking and collaborations with other editors and vendors, paving the way for exciting future opportunities.

To top it all off, seeing your hard work featured in print on online gives you a personal and professional high, motivating you to continue growing.

When to Submit a Wedding to a Publication

The best time to submit a wedding for publication is as soon as possible after the event—ideally within a few months. Depending on the magazine, they often work with long lead times. Especially if you intend the submission to be for print, it could take anywhere from several months up to a year after submitting to see it on the shelf. Submitting early increases your likelihood of being considered for upcoming issues.

Submitting early also ensures the details and memories of the wedding are fresh in your mind as you submit. This will make your submission more compelling. Plus, submitting early ensures the wedding is still on-trend in the editors’ eyes.

However, it’s essential to balance timeliness with the need for high-quality images and content. Taking the time to curate a well-crafted submission with engaging photos and a compelling story will increase your chances of being selected. Ultimately, the key is to balance submitting promptly and ensuring the submission is polished and shows the wedding in the best ways possible.

How to Submit a Wedding to a Publication

Submitting a wedding to be featured in a magazine typically involves several key steps. 

Step 1: Research Potential Magazines

First, you should research potential magazines that align with the style of the wedding and your target audience. Once you’ve identified suitable publications, be sure to review the submission guidelines provided by each magazine, as these can vary significantly.

Step 2: Gather High-Quality Images and Prepare the Write-Up

Next, it’s time to gather high-quality images of the wedding and ensure you have permission to use them from the photographer. These images should showcase the venue, decor, attire, and other details that make the wedding unique and visually compelling. 

Additionally, prepare a written submission that tells the story of the wedding, highlighting any special or noteworthy elements. Each publication will have its own requests for the written portion, so be sure to research before starting.

Step 3: Follow the Submission Process

With your images and written portion ready, now it’s time to follow the magazine's submission process. This typically involves completing an online submission form or sending an email to the magazine's editorial team.

After submitting, don’t be afraid to follow up with the magazine if you haven't heard back within a reasonable timeframe. While the response time can vary depending on the publication's editorial calendar and workload, following up shows your professionalism and can help ensure that your submission receives proper consideration.

Overall, the key to successfully submitting a wedding for publication is to carefully follow the guidelines, showcase the wedding in the best possible light, and maintain clear and timely communication throughout the process.

List of Wedding Magazines to Get Featured In

Now that you’re ready to submit a wedding to be featured, you’re probably wondering where you should submit it. Here’s a list of wedding magazines to get featured in for inspiration! 

I hope this guide helps you understand how to submit a wedding to a publication! Be sure to comment below if you give it a try so that I can cheer you on. 

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