10 Instagram Content Ideas for Wedding Planners

Don't you just hate it when you're stuck on what to post on your Instagram account? We've all been there. Social media, while meant to be a fun and lively way to connect with our community, can sometimes turn into an unwanted stress beast. Let's change that narrative today.

Use these Instagram content pillars and wedding planner social media prompts to get unstuck with your social media strategy today! As a wedding pro coach, I’ve developed these ideas to help wedding planners within my membership, The Planner’s Vault. Hundreds of wedding planners have used these pillars and prompts to create engaging content and grow their followers. Keep reading to give it a try for yourself! 

Instagram Content Pillars for Wedding Planners

As a wedding planner, you've got a unique role in the world of social media. Your content should revolve around a few key pillars.

Education and Resources for Couples

This is your chance to show up as an expert in your field. Share content that makes the wedding planning process easier for couples. Trust me, they'll appreciate the help and they’ll turn to you when they’re ready to hire a professional.

Behind the Scenes

Who doesn't love a sneak peek? Share daily behind-the-scenes content on your Facebook and Instagram stories. It's a laid-back way to keep the conversation flowing.

Just for Fun

Stir things up with posts about fun holidays, decor inspiration, peppy quotes or even throw out questions to your audience. It's all about sparking a conversation.


A little bit of healthy, shameless self-promotion never hurt anyone. Show off your ideas, your growth, your passion, and how working with you can be the solution to all their wedding planning woes.

Remember, your social media is an extension of your business. It's all about showing your audience the real you, while helping them plan the perfect day.

Wedding Planner Social Media Prompts

Now, let’s get to it! Here are 10 wedding planner content ideas to get started.

  1. Tips for Choosing a Wedding Venue - Offer your top three tips for choosing an ideal venue in your location. Don't shy away from mentioning your favorite places, and make sure to tag them for increased reach!

  2. Wedding Planner vs. Venue Coordinator - Often your clients might not understand the need for both roles. Use your platform to highlight the distinct roles, responsibilities, and differences between a wedding planner and a venue coordinator.

  3. Top Wedding Planning Mistakes - If you notice your clients repeating the same errors, or you want to help future couples steer clear of potential pitfalls, take some time to share these mistakes and how they can be avoided.

  4. Events You’re Attending - Are you touring a venue or attending an open house? Even a casual coffee meet-up with a fellow vendor could be interesting for your followers! Don't hesitate to share these moments.

  5. Flashback Friday Feature - Use this opportunity to showcase a previous wedding you loved. It's an excellent way to demonstrate your expertise and show off a favorite wedding, even if it wasn’t recent.

  6. Current Wedding Trends to Ignore - Voice your opinion! By speaking your mind about certain trends, you attract your ideal clients and filter out those who may not be a good fit with your style.

  7. Client Testimonials - There's nothing like a glowing review to show your expertise. Share these testimonials along with photos from their big day.

  8. Your Personal Story - How did you start in this industry? What do you love about your job? Sharing these personal experiences helps to create a connection with your followers.

  9. Part of Your Business Process - Give your followers a glimpse into your day-to-day operations. Whether it's a walk through your welcome guide, snippets from a discovery call, or assembling welcome bags, couples love to see what it's like to work with you.

  10. Share a Recent Win - Celebrate your success! If you've been featured in the press or partnered with a new venue, show it off. It not only demonstrates your achievements but also boosts your credibility.

In a nutshell, these ideas invite your followers into your world, helping them understand your journey, your process, and your expertise. And always remember, every post is an opportunity to connect with someone new!

Loving these ideas? Level up your content even further with my Blogging and Social Media Content Bundle! The bundle of ready-for-you content templates will save you hours of stress and make content planning a breeze. Get your bundle now! 


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