5 Website Tips for Wedding Professionals

Your website is one of the first places prospective clients go to get a feel for you and your work as a wedding professional. It’s important to ensure everything is working properly and attracting the types of couples that you want to work with.

wedding pro doing a website audit

As a wedding professional coach, I look at quite a few wedding pro websites each week. The truth? I see the same mistakes over and over again. That’s why I recommend periodic website audits. Picture them as your website's routine check-up. I encourage you to set up time for an audit once a quarter to make sure everything is running smoothly with your website. Trust me, your websiteβ€”and your businessβ€”will thank you for it.

Here are five website tips for wedding professionals to ensure your website is working for you, not against you.

Website Tip 1: Check to be sure your links work properly.

One thing I notice often when visiting wedding creatives’ websites is that many feature an Instagram feed at the bottom of the home page. This can easily get messed up with Instagram password changes and app updates. No one likes seeing a β€œwidget not found” notification at the bottom of a website. Periodically check to be sure everything is working as it should.

Other things to check to take a closer look at on your website are your links to social media, your buttons, and your contact form. 

wedding planners collaborating on a website audit

Website Tip 2: Ensure You have contact info outside of the contact page. 

Including an email and phone number on your website makes it super convenient for potential clients and other vendors to contact you. An email address is especially helpful just in case something is wrong with your contact form and you don’t know it yet.

Side note: I can’t express how important it is for your email address to be branded. It’s worth the $6 per month for your email to be branded and not @gmail.com. It really adds a level of professionalism to your business.

Website Tip 3: Update your testimonials. 

Not only should you include a few testimonials on your site, but you should be purposeful with where these testimonials are placed on your website. Wherever there’s a call to action, you should include a testimonial. Be strategic about which testimonial you pair with which site page.

For example, on your services page, it’s best to highlight how much you helped a previous client. On your packages page, perhaps you use a review that says, β€œIt was the best money spent for my wedding!”

Also, don’t feel like you have to use the whole testimonial on your site. Pick the most impactful sentences to make it more likely it will actually be read. Taking time to update and refresh your testimonials with any recent ones is always a good idea!

Bonus tip: Copy and paste any old reviews into a document of your own. You never know when a platform like Google or The Knot will glitch and cause you to lose your precious social proof!

wedding pro working on their website

Website Tip 4: Update your FAQs.

Every wedding professional needs a solid Frequently Asked Questions page on their website. However, I encourage you to not answer every random question you’ve been asked, but instead target the objections that a potential client may have.

Chances are, over the past year or few months, you’ve run into new objections. Or, maybe your ideal client has shifted recently. Channel these thoughts as you periodically update your FAQ page.

It’s important that you take time to ensure that your FAQ section attracts your ideal client and repels a non-ideal client.


Website Tip 5: Audit your website for inclusive language.

You should ensure your website is inclusive and considerate of all couples. Periodically complete an audit of your site to make sure you aren’t just speaking to heterosexual couples and females.

Be sure to pay close attention to your contact form. Make sure that you aren’t asking for the brides’ and grooms’ names. Instead, ask for the couples' names.

And, don’t forget to take a look at your blog posts and overall language throughout your website to check for any inconsistencies.

If you want to learn more about inclusivity on your website, check out Weddings For Real episode 116 to hear Taylor from Lemon Tree Editorial share about how word choices and inclusive language matter in the wedding industry.

If you are looking to enhance your website’s performance and user experience, then book a website audit! We’ll provide a detailed Loom video overview and a completed website audit checklist documenting the suggestions we have for you. Get your audit scheduled today!


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