Understanding Your Wedding Pro Money Personality

We all know that money plays a major role in our lives as wedding professionals, whether we're budgeting for our business expenses or managing client payments. So, let's take an enlightening journey into understanding our unique money personalities!

woman with piggy bank saving money

Unpacking Messages: A Fun Look at Money Personalities for Wedding Pros

Picture this: you're faced with a tough financial decision for your wedding business. Do you invest in that top-notch camera to capture those breathtaking shots or in that swanky summit you’ve heard great things about… or do you save every penny for future growth? Let's explore some intriguing money personalities to determine where there are growth opportunities for you.

The Spender: Ah, the comfort spender! When you've had a challenging day, treating yourself to that biz upgrade or new course is your go-to. After all, investing in your business can bring a sense of reassurance. For spenders, it’s important to remember that balance is key!

The Saver: The saver knows the value of every dollar earned and every penny saved. Saving money gives them a sense of security while spending it—even on business ventures—can cause major stress. But, it's essential to find a healthy balance between saving and investing in the growth of your wedding business!

The Avoider: Numbers and finances might not be your favorite topic, and you might avoid them altogether. I used to be afraid to even log in to my business bank account. You'd rather focus on the creative side, but knowledge is power, and understanding your business finances will ultimately help you thrive. It's time to tackle those numbers head-on!

The Martyr: For these selfless souls, money can feel like it's about to change their whole character. You might even feel guilty about charging what you're worth (to the point where you give out discounts like candy). But hey, martyrs, it's time to embrace your value and find a healthy balance between generosity and financial sustainability!

Want to learn more about your money personality?

If you're itching to understand your money mindset as a wedding professional and break free from any financial roadblocks, I've got something special for you! The latest Weddings For Real episode, part of our Life For Real series, is all about decoding your money personality and taking charge of your financial well-being as a business owner.

Tune in to hear Shanna Skidmore, a financial advisor for entrepreneurs, share insightful tips tailored for each money personality type in the wedding industry. Whether you're a spender, saver, avoider, or martyr, we've got your back! It's time to build healthy money habits that align with your wedding business dreams.


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