Tips for Overcoming ADHD Tendencies as a Business Owner

“Is it squirrel brain or is it ADHD?”

As an entrepreneur with a mile-long to-do list, chances are you’ve battled distracting thoughts and productivity hurdles. You may have even wondered if it was something more serious than a case of squirrel brain. 

But before we jump into that, let me share a little personal story with you. In 2022, my life took a not-so-surprising turn when I was diagnosed with ADHD. I always knew my brain functioned differently than most people’s… and sometimes not in a good way. Now it’s confirmed—my brain works in its own unique way!

I know first-hand that being an entrepreneur with ADHD has its quirks, let me tell you. From forgetting things to attempting seven different tasks simultaneously, my brain is a never-ending roller coaster ride. But guess what? Getting diagnosed was like a breath of fresh air! I finally had the key to unlock new tools and conquer this challenge head-on.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, chances are you interact with people who have ADHD regularly—be it yourself, a loved one, team members or even a client. So, I’m sharing three tips to help you overcome those ADHD tendencies.

woman writing in notebook

Tip #1: Prioritize mindfulness – We live in a hyper-connected world that’s always vying for our attention, and this can easily lead to overwhelm, whether or not ADHD is in the picture. Implementing mindfulness practices like a morning walk, 5 minutes of meditation, or even short breathing exercises before you tackle the day ahead can help create a more centered and focused mind.

Tip #2: Structure your day – Random thoughts and spontaneous ideas are the creative soul of any entrepreneur. Yet, they can often lead to distractions or unfulfilled tasks. Establishing a daily routine and sticking to it as much as possible can bring a sense of order and efficiency. Try methods like time blocking or the Pomodoro technique to better manage your time and attention. This is a life saver for me! 😍

Tip #3: Harness the power of delegation – If you're trying to juggle too many tasks at once, it can feel like a whirlwind of activity that never slows down. Whether you have ADHD or not, delegating tasks to team members or outsourcing certain tasks to a part-time VA can free up your mental space to focus on what you do best. It's about working smarter, not harder.

The key is, whether you have ADHD or not, these strategies can be beneficial in managing the daily chaos of entrepreneurship and fostering a more productive, less stressful work environment.

small business owner with adhd working

Learn more about ADHD and entrepreneurship

I've got an ADHD and entrepreneurship double feature as part of the Life For Real series. Up first, Carissa Kruse, a wedding pro who's no stranger to the whirlwind of ADHD. She'll share her story that's equal parts "I totally get it" and "Wow, how'd she do that?"

I also welcomed in Dr. Amy Teumer, an ADHD specialist and licensed mental health counselor. She shared productivity hacks and communication gems that are game-changing for all of us (ADHD or not!).

So, grab your headphones and tune into both of the episodes!


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